Dental Extractions in Portland, ME

The Best Dental Experience You’ll Ever Have

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If left unaddressed, tooth decay can lead to severe pain, infection, and even abscesses. When untreated tooth decay has significantly compromised a tooth’s health and function, tooth extraction may become a necessary solution. At Thrive Dental Studio, our comprehensive dental extraction services can address advanced decay and restore your oral health and function effectively.

What is a Tooth Extraction?

A tooth extraction is a general dental procedure to remove a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort. Tooth extraction aims to alleviate pain, prevent further oral health complications, and restore your overall oral health.

Types of Dental Extractions

Simple Extractions

Simple extractions are routine procedures performed on teeth that are visible and accessible in the mouth. During a simple extraction, Dr. Figueiredo will use specialized instruments to loosen the tooth and gently remove it from its socket in the jawbone. Local anesthesia is usually administered to numb the area, ensuring your comfort throughout the procedure.

Surgical Extractions

Surgical extractions are more complex procedures often required for teeth that are not easily accessible or fully erupted, such as impacted teeth or teeth with extensive decay. During a surgical extraction, the tooth may need to be sectioned into smaller pieces for easier removal. Surgical extractions are typically performed under local anesthesia, although sedation options may be available for patients with dental anxiety or complex cases. We will refer you to a trusted oral surgeon if your case requires further procedures such as bone graft, alveoloplasty, or implant consultations.

Why Would Someone Need a Tooth Removed?

  • Severe Tooth Decay: Advanced tooth decay that has damaged a significant portion of the tooth structure may require extraction if the tooth cannot be salvaged with restorative treatments like fillings or crowns.
  • Gum Disease: Periodontal disease can cause irreversible damage to the supporting tissues and bone around the teeth. In severe cases, tooth extraction may be necessary to prevent further spread of infection and preserve oral health.
  • Impacted Teeth: Impacted teeth are teeth that fail to fully emerge through the gums due to obstruction by neighboring teeth or abnormal growth patterns. Impacted wisdom teeth are a common example, often requiring wisdom tooth extraction.
  • Crowding: Overcrowding in the mouth can lead to alignment issues, bite problems, and difficulty maintaining proper oral hygiene. Tooth extraction may be necessary to create space and achieve optimal alignment of the remaining teeth.
  • Orthodontic Treatment: In some orthodontic cases, tooth extraction may be recommended as part of the treatment plan to address severe crowding, protrusion, or bite discrepancies.
  • Trauma: Teeth that are severely fractured or broken as a result of trauma, such as sports injuries or accidents, may require extraction if they cannot be restored with other dental procedures.
  • Dental Abscess: An abscessed tooth, characterized by a bacterial infection and accumulation of pus within the tooth or surrounding tissues, may necessitate extraction to eliminate the source of infection and prevent its spread to neighboring teeth.
Tooth Extraction in Portland ME

What To Expect During the Tooth Removal Process

Pre-Extraction Consultation 

Before undergoing a tooth extraction, you will have a pre-extraction consultation with Dr. Figueiredo. During this appointment, we will review your dental and medical history, discuss the reasons for the extraction, and explain the treatment plan. This is also an opportunity for patients to ask any questions or express concerns they may have about the procedure.

Overview of the Extraction Procedure

On the day of the extraction, you can expect the following steps:

  • Anesthesia Administration: Depending on the complexity of the extraction and your preference, local anesthesia or sedation may be administered to numb the area and help you relax during the procedure.
  • Tooth Extraction: Once the anesthesia has taken effect, we will begin the extraction procedure. For simple extractions, the tooth is loosened using specialized instruments and gently removed from its socket in the jawbone. In cases of surgical extractions, Dr. Figueiredo may need to make an incision in the gum tissue to access the tooth and may need to section the tooth into smaller pieces for easier removal.
  • Closure of Extraction Site: After the tooth has been successfully removed, Dr. Figueiredo may place sutures to close the extraction site and promote proper healing. In some cases, gauze may be placed over the extraction site to control bleeding.

Post-Extraction Care and Instructions

Following the extraction, we provide you with post-operative care instructions to ensure optimal recovery.

  • Pain Management: Over-the-counter or prescription pain medication may be recommended to manage any discomfort or pain after the procedure.
  • Bite on Gauze: You may be instructed to gently bite down on a piece of gauze placed over the extraction site to help control bleeding and facilitate clot formation.
  • Avoiding Certain Activities: You should avoid strenuous activities, smoking, and drinking through a straw for the first few days after the extraction to prevent complications.
  • Oral Hygiene Practices: Proper oral hygiene is essential for promoting healing and preventing infection. You should continue to brush your teeth gently and avoid the extraction site while it heals.

Benefits of Getting a Tooth Pulled

Relief from Pain and Discomfort: Whether the tooth is severely decayed, infected, or impacted, removing it can provide immediate relief from persistent pain and discomfort, allowing you to enjoy improved oral comfort and quality of life.

Prevention of Further Dental Problems: By removing a severely decayed or infected tooth, the spread of infection to surrounding teeth and gums can be halted, reducing the risk of complications such as gum disease, abscesses, and systemic health issues.

Restoration of Oral Health and Function: Removing a diseased or damaged tooth improves the overall health of your mouth, allowing surrounding teeth and supporting structures to remain functional.

Improved Appearance and Confidence: When a severely damaged or decayed tooth compromises the appearance of your smile, extraction can lead to a significant improvement in the overall aesthetics of your mouth.

Tooth Extraction Consultation in Portland, ME

Take the first step toward a healthier, happier smile by scheduling an initial consultation at Thrive Dental Studio in Portland, ME. Our team is committed to providing compassionate care and personalized treatment plans to help you achieve a brighter, healthier smile!